Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Frustration and guilt

Oh boy, two of my favorite topics. 

I am frustrated today. Why, because the person I love the most in the world is sick and there is nothing I can do about it. As mentioned before, Kathleen has shingles. And they are painful and making her tired and worse. I want to do something to help her besides putting gas in her car or cooking dinner but since I am not a doctor there is nothing I can do beyond what I am doing. Frustration! 

Kathleen says that I am a typical "man" that has to solve every problem that comes his way. And that is pretty much true. When we have disagreements or arguments, I don't want to discuss things. I just want to know what I need to do to fix something and then to fix it. Cut to the core of the thing. You get sick, let's fix it. Maybe that's why I love my new dermatologist. His attitude is, you have psoriasis? Let's cure it. And he just keeps trying until he does. And he has. I am just about 99% psoriasis free.

Now to the guilt. I grew up Catholic. More Catholic than my brothers and sister. I went to 9 years of Catholic school. I was an altar boy, sang in the choir and was taught by nuns in 6 of those 9 years. Nothing instills guilt like a Catholic upbringing. And this coming week the guilt is going to set in. On Sunday I have to fly to Orlando to attend Jostens annual National Sales School. And it's bad enough when I go and leave Kathleen when she is well (OK, I admit it, we hate being away from each other) but when she is sick it will drive me nuts. I have already offered to cancel but she is adamant that she will be OK and that I am just being foolish. Of course she has always said that about my "stupid guilt" and she is probably right. She usually is, on most things. That's why I love her so much.

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