Wednesday, January 28, 2009

There is no free lunch (or software)

I have just sat here for 20 minutes trying to log in so I could create a post. Why can't this damn site just log me in every time I come here instead of me having to continue to log in. 

Don't you hate passwords, logins and all that crap? I know I do. I have so damn many websites that I have to log into I don't know how I remember them. I tried 1Password, a program that allows you to just have one password and it supplies the rest but I could never get it to work the way it was supposed to. I have a feeling that if I am going to continue to blog I may need to find someplace else to do it. If I do, I will let you know where it is. Right now I am at the end of a very stressful day computer and work-wise and I really don't need to have it take me 20 minutes to log into this site. 

I think it's because Blogger is owned by Google and I have a different Google login and password that is different from the one I use to login in to Blogger and I have no idea how to put the two together. Nor do I have the time to spend a few hours online trying to find the answer to that question. 

Which brings me to the problem with free software from companies like Google. If I was using my .mac account to do this and it didn't work, I could call Apple tech support and they would walk me through a solution. I pay for the .mac service and they support it for that reason. But Google provides this very nice blog space for me and I appreciate it but I would gladly pay something if they would add tech support. And yes, I can probably find the answer to my questions in support forums but that can take a very long time. Time I don't have. 

That said, here you are reading my blog on this free site. Enjoy!


  1. I need to sign in for comments I think.. will try it now

  2. I had to type in a "Word" to show I was human. Other than that the site let me be me from when I signed up.... or :) was it firefox lol

    I feel your pain.
