Monday, January 26, 2009

I have officially defined a word

This will be a short post today. I am exhausted. Been awake since 2:00 am and up and out of bed at 2:30 am. Just could not sleep. And I am one of those people who does not believe you should just lay in bed and look at the ceiling in the dark. I get up and go do something. I sometimes watch TV, often surf the web but mostly, I just start my day and start working until it's time to get on my stationary bike at 4:30. I either ride that for an hour (S, T, TH) or go to Redmond Athletic Club (MWF) to lift weights for 30 minutes after I have ridden the bike for 30 minutes. I am a firm believer that if you want to live a long time, you exercise for a least an hour a day.

That said, I am still not on topic. One of the websites I follow on a regular basis and get a daily e-mail from is Urban Dictionary. They kind of define today. People can send in words and definitions of words that they make up. Well, yours truly just had a word accepted. My word is blogfodder. I won't tell you what it means. I will make you go and look at the definition by DrKoob (that's me) by clicking the word itself. It's my first word and I am so proud.

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