Monday, April 27, 2009

Do you remember

Do you remember being in college (or high school) and you ditched a class. Then the next time that class met, it was even easier to ditch it again (especially at the start of the year) because you missed once and you felt guilty about it and well, you already ditched it once so why not do it again.

You know, that was the longest sentence I may have ever written. Talk about run-on.

But back to my point. I stopped writing this blog and every time I would consider coming back I thought, how do I make an excuse about why I haven't written? Taking pictures was so much easier. And it's not like lots of things haven't happened that I could write about. It's just taking the time to actually sit down and do it. And sometimes finding the times. This has been a pretty busy month since we got back from Florida. A quick trip to Denver for me. Then the last few weekends have included some spring cleaning. We did the garage, washed the cars (one of disadvantages of owning a hard top convertible is that it has to be hand washed. No car washes), cleaned out kitchen cupboards and opened up the grille for the summer.

Today I thought of something I really wanted to write about but of course I ended up writing this quasi-apology to myself so I will try and come back and write that one tomorrow or maybe even later tonight.

1 comment:

  1. that's OK Dr. We still will read it regardless. :)
    Told you you shouldn't feel bad about missing a day or two. Short a sweet sometimes can do it also.
