Sunday, June 28, 2009

Just sitting around

A beautiful Sunday afternoon and we are sitting here relaxing with the TV on. I was surfing the interweb and what did I come across but my very own neglected blog. Almost forgot I had it. So, what's been up. Here we are on the last Sunday of June and things are OK. Haven't won the lottery yet. Still working. Psoriasis lousy. Really lousy. Had a nice May, a nice June. The weather has been marvelous (it doesn't get any better than this).

Good stuff and tough stuff coming soon. July will bring a first week trip to Dallas for the summer meeting of my favorite company. My favorite kind of weather in Dallas--hotter than hell and humid. Lord, I hope that I can get from the airport to the shuttle and the shuttle to the hotel quickly--like before I burn up like a vampire in the sun.

Then I come home to a wonderful weekend up at Point Bob with our favorite Canadians followed by work and prep for our summer workshop that I run coming up the last week of the month. So let's see--31 days in July and two of them are good ones. WOW! I love July.

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