Tuesday, February 10, 2009

One of those nights

Tonight is one of those nights when I have lots of stuff I can write about but I just don't feel like getting too deep. So let me just review my day. Up at 4:20 am, on the bike by 4:30, at the club to lift weights at 5:15, home by 6:00, out of the shower by 6:20, Kathleen out the door at 6:25. Breakfast until 6:45. Work until 8:45 then off to the dentist. Back by 10:20. Work until 12:30 with a very numb mouth. No lunch because it would have just dribbled out the side of my mouth. Off to see some schools. Back at 5:00. Leftover chili that Kathleen made and we froze (Yummy!) and then down for the evening which brings me to now. What a day.

1 comment:

  1. 20 minute shower ??!! You must at least be very clean :)
