Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A quickie note before a meeting.

In about 40 minutes I have to run off to our homeowner's association annual meeting. It isn't my favorite meeting of the year but it isn't the worst either. Tonight promises to be an interesting one since we are trying to change our basic declarations. Those are the rules that govern our association. We are trying to change two of them. And there is opposition. But we (the board and I) think that the threat of raising our monthly association dues by almost 13% should get the populace to pass them.

I have been on the board of this association since it started ten years ago every year but one. I've been president for five of those years and since our current president isn't going to run for office again I will probably be president again next year. The worst part of that job is that people call to complain and when they call, they call the president. The other members of the board are nice people but not the leadership types. One works very hard supervising our landscaping, another is the treasurer and "kind of" supervises our condo manager. The third is our president who has been active this last year but is not running again. The fourth does absolutely nothing except come to the board meetings. She is also up for reelection this year (the terms are rotating three year terms, mine is up in two years) and I wish she wouldn't run again and we could get someone to take her place but it is very hard to get anyone to sign on to the board for three years. 

In my nine years on the board there have really only been two other board members I could rely on. One of them was on the board with me for the first six years and we became friends and took turns each year being President. He was someone I could depend on to take care of things. Unfortunately, he moved out of the complex about five years ago. The other board member I could rely on is still in the complex but retired and decided last year not to run again after a year as president. The current president is also someone reliable but not at the level of the the other two. 

So, I am off to the homeowner's association meeting and will check in tomorrow.

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