Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What to write?

So many topics so little interest tonight. Didn't sleep well last night and had a kind of long day so writing is not something I am inclined to do. So here I sit at 6:10 with Kathleen watching NCIS on TiVo. Speaking of TiVo maybe there's a topic.

First, I love TiVo. If you have any other brand of DVR you aren't seeing what TiVo is all about. I first got TiVo in 2003. One of the first ones to get one. I have had one ever since. Actually we've had two most of the time. Right now, there are four in the house (two are disconnected and not being used) which I know seems excessive but I do love TiVo. Just not as much right now. 

Just before Christmas I got a great deal on a new HD TiVo. This one allows for the recording of high definition programming as well as having a ton of other great features (like we can watch all kinds of stuff off the web, direct downloads from Netflix and a bunch more). And yes, we do watch too much TV but we're sorry. We like it. We have a bunch of shows we watch. Many of them are what I would call partial attention programs. That means I pay partial attention to them and surf the web, write or read while we watch them. NCIS is a good example. As are CSI, Bones, House and a bunch more. I like the characters and enjoy watching them but the plots are pretty much the same from week to week so you can sit and do other things while they are on and laugh at the funny stuff the characters do. And watching them on TiVo without commercials makes it even easier.  

Other shows are total attention shows. I put the computer down, the lights go low and I watch closely. Those shows are becoming fewer and fewer each year. Off the top of my head they include Fringe, Lost, The Closer, Burn Notice, Entourage and a few comedies that we watch on Friday night while and just after we eat our Friday night take-out. Those are what I would call my favorite shows. Someday I think I'll write up a review of these shows and tell you why I like them so much.

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