Friday, January 9, 2009

Damn! I missed a a nose.

As I mentioned earlier, I set a goal in 2008 to take and post a photo every day of the year. And I did it. Well this year I had an unstated goal (except to myself) to blog every day. And I missed yesterday. But I had a good excuse. An amazing dramatic performance. 

Let me explain. Usually when we sit down in the evening to watch TV and surf the shows (as I mentioned in the previous post) doesn't hold my entire attention. Well on Tuesday we TiVoed a PBS show of a performance on Broadway of Cyrano de Bergerac. It starred Kevin Kline as Cyrano, Jennifer Garner as Roxanne, Daniel Sunjatta (from Rescue Me) as Christian. And hilariously, the original Prince Humperdink, Chris Sarandon in a role very much similar to Prince Humperdink. Last night we sat down to watch it right after dinner.

To say it was an incredible play is probably an overstatement (Jennifer Garner who I loved on Alias, overacts to the nth degree) but to say that Kevin Kline was AMAZING is a huge understatement. He was magical. I couldn't take my eyes off the show for the two and a half hours (with only a 3 minute break that we fast forwarded through). He was onstage all but one or two scenes. He is amazing for 61 years old. May I be in half as good a shape both mentally and physically when I turn 61. 

So I guess I had a great excuse and I'll try not to screw up again. Here's a new goal. I will post here at least six out of seven days a week for the balance of the year. 

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