Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A superior day

Today was a great day. 
For posterity's sake, I want to kind of detail a typical weekday for me. I get up (without alarm) around 4:20. It's funny how I can wake up with no alarm. I usually find myself looking at the clock around 4:00 and then getting out of bed sometime between 4:15 and 4:30. My goal is 4:20.

Then it's off to workout. I either ride my stationary bike in the garage for an hour or bike for a half an hour and walk to the club to lift weights for half an hour. Then back home to shower, kiss Kathleen good bye around 6:15 and then breakfast. My weekday breakfast is exactly the same every day. Blueberries, granola and yogurt plus two cups of coffee. Then it's off to work. 

Off to work for me is walking down a flight of stairs to my office which has been dubbed, The Bunker. My old buddy Phil calls it that because it is has no windows and is surrounded on three sides by concrete and is located behind our garage. 

This year I have set a goal to designate each day into either one of three things. Production (which means I create the products that I produce), Marketing (to sell the things I produce) and Learning (which means I take a day to learn something new. Today was a Marketing Day. I got a ton done. I mailed a couple of hundred samples out, did a bunch of database updating and took care of a lot of small stuff, like returning phone calls and dealing with computer problems today.

Right now my weekday routine is different on Monday, Wednesday and Friday as I have been doing a medical treatment at Group Health in Seattle at 2:40. To make it I have to leave around 1:45 so that means I work until lunch (weekdays that's a green salad and hunk of whole grain bread) and then work again until I leave for Group Health. Or Tuesday and Thursdays I work until Kathleen comes home at around 3:45. Somedays I have to go out and see schools and about four out of five days I make short trips to the post office and to Precision Press who does all my printing. Both are fairly close and since November when I started the treatments at Group Health I have been try to group them into MWF routine.

After Kathleen gets home we get to spend some time together (my favorite part of the day) and then one of us makes dinner (we take turns) and we both clean up and then sit down to watch TV or surf the web. 

That's my typical weekday. And today was a good one. Things went well. I got a lot done and I made a great dinner, if I do say so myself. I did a new recipe with red potatoes that were roasted and then salmon roasted on top of them. Then you saute spinach with macerated (soaked in port) raisins and pine nuts. It was yummy! Now we are sitting here watching "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2" and I am posting to this blog. How about that?

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