Friday, January 16, 2009


I know. I promised more about those other people who are reading this blog but you will just have to wait until tomorrow. This morning at the club I got this great idea I want to get started today. I am going to call it Fives. Not sure if it should be Top 5, Fantastic 5, Fabulous 5 or whatever. For now, it's just 5. 

Five what you ask? My five favorite things in any category. I see this as a long-term thing that I can come back to whenever I can't think of anything else to write about. And I love expressing my opinion and telling others what I think. (I guess that's the same thing isn't it). Of course since only three people now about this blog, I am (at the present time) expressing my opinion to me. 

My thoughts to far is that someplace during this year I will cover my top five in the following areas:
  • Top 5 cities we have been to. 
  • Top 5 movies I have seen.
  • Top 5 restaurants I have eaten in.
  • Top 5 TV shows I watch.
  • Top 5 TV shows of all time.
  • Top 5 authors I have read.
  • Top 5 blogs I read.
  • Top 5 websites I have seen.
See what I mean. And that's just off the top of my head. I know if I thought about for a little longer I could come up with a bunch more. 

I was going to do 10 but everyone does 10, from Letterman to...well...everyone. So I'll just do five. I think I'll start this weekend with my five favorite cities so watch this space for my urban picks. 

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