Saturday, January 17, 2009

Romantic Comedies can come true...

This afternoon we saw a romantic comedy, Last Chance Harvey with Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson. It was excellent. Not one of the great romantic comedies but certainly a good one. I love both of them (a little less love for Dustin and I think Emma is hot!) Which brings me to this post about romantic comedies in general. 

First I want to state that I LOVE romantic comedies. If that makes me a "girlie man," so be it. Some of my favorite films are romantic comedies. In fact I would say my favorite movie of all time (Love Actually)  is a romantic comedy and my top five favorite films are all romances of some sort. (Dave, Amelie, Princess Bride and Casablanca.)

So recently I was dismayed when I saw that a recent study of people who go to romantic films said that those people are less likely to achieve happiness romantically. But I kind of understand what the study means. The theory was that the romance in movies is unrealistic and sets too high a standard for people in real life. That was certainly true for me until I met Kathleen. My relationships before meeting her were more about friendship, companionship and common financial responsibilities.

But I think that I can honestly say that the relationship I am in right now with my partner, soul mate, best friend and wife, Kathleen is as good as any romantic relationship I have ever seen on the screen. So when we go to those films I just love them because I now know and have known for more than ten years, that you can live happily ever after in a wonderful romantic relationship. We both admit that we can't believe that after this long we can still be this happy and have the relationship seem this new for so long. 

So I guess, romantic comedies can come true. At least they have for us. 

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