Thursday, January 15, 2009

What to write tonight?

This blogging thing is going pretty well. But some nights I run into the problem of not knowing what to write about because I can't think of a topic, thus the blog's title. But today I could write about soooo many things, I don't know where to start. 

I had a great day today. I got a ton done. Lots of things got updated. More than 15 websites to be exact. Postcards got addressed, errands got run, e-mails were answered, Photoshop lessons were learned. Things connected. 

And as I told Kathleen at dinner tonight, I think that this blog is part of the reason that this year (I know, just 15 days so far) I have been so connected. A couple of years ago I read a great book on creativity, Creative Utopia. It listed 12 habits a person should develop in order to be more creative. To me, in the marketing business, creativity means productivity. One of the habits the author recommended was to journal. The idea is that the act of writing about your life focuses you on the things you are doing that you don't need to be doing and things you could do if you stopped doing the things you shouldn't be doing and started doing the things you should be doing. Did you follow that? You should (or you shouldn't). 

At any rate, I find that this is really helping me to focus on what I am doing each day. Not that I write about the daily minutiae but that it makes me think about what I have been doing as I write in the evening. Even more so than taking pictures did. This writing stuff is really working. 

I also want to mention that as of today, we have two new audience members. Yes, folks, I told someone else about this blog besides Kathleen. More about that tomorrow.

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