Saturday, January 10, 2009

Big Saturday plans

Saturday morning. Sitting in the living room. Showered. Dressed. Ready to go. Busy day ahead. Kind of make up for last weekend when our usually "out and about" Saturday got taken over by Christmas with my kids. 

Today's agenda: See "Milk" at the Egyptian Theater on Cap Hill. See the Hopper exhibit at Seattle Art Museum and then dinner at my absolute favorite restaurant, Tom Douglass's Lola. Doesn't that sound like a great day? 

It's just a little outside our comfort zone. Not much but a little. The Egyptian Theater is not a theater we normally patronize. It's on Capitol Hill, a very trendy, kind of hip part of Seattle that we don't visit very often. I think most of the reason we don't go there often is that we don't know it very well. Kind of a Catch 22 thing. (I know, how will we get to know it if we don't go there?) Is has great restaurants (or so we are told) but we have only been to a few of them. I find it very congested, traffic-wise and tough to get around. And the parking isn't easy either. Plus the theaters are old (quaint though) and seats are nowhere near as good or comfortable as our normal theater choice, Lincoln Square Cinemas in Bellevue. (More about them at another time.)

Our going to the Egyptian (a very old theater) is kind of our fault. Milk, which we very much want to see, was playing at Lincoln about a month ago but it has moved on to make way for more "profitable" Christmas release films. I will post my thoughts on Milk either later tonight or tomorrow. It should be interesting because of Sean Penn's performance and seeing San Francisco, one of our favorite cities and so close to where Kathleen grew up. It's fun seeing places we have been in movies. There's a topic for another post, a list of movies set in places we love. 

After the movie it's off to see Hoppers. Edward Hopper is one of my favorite American artists. I know--he's so populist. Well so am I. Get over it. I like what I like. 

And after that it's Lola. I love Lola. Interesting and good food. New Greek and so much more. I know that I will be eating one of my favorite foods today--octopus. I love octopus. And Tom makes a mean octopus. Unless it isn't on the menu right now. Their menu changes often so you never know what you are going to get. 

Speaking of food, I have added a new blog to follow to this site--just over to the right of this post--Foodie at 15 (now 16). The kid (and yes he is a kid!) is only 16 but has already eaten at Thomas Keller's Per Se in NYC three times. And he writes like he is an adult. An old and wise adult. I love the whole image of him having to ask to be excused from his high school class to go to the bathroom so he can get on his cell and try and make reservations. Take a gander, it's good stuff if you like food as much as I do.

And also speaking of food. I am on kind of a diet. Let me say right now that I don't believe in diets. I do believe that I know exactly what I have to do be thinner than I am. Eat less calories that I output. That's it. So when I say that I have been on a diet, I am saying that I have cut certain things that I was eating last month out. At least for awhile. Examples; haven't had dessert since the first (except for one night when I had about 5 spoonfuls of Phish Food) and last night I had a diet pepsi with Friday dinner instead of my usual margarita. So I kind of give myself the freedom to eat badly (or at least badder) than normal on one night a week. Tonight's the night!!!!! So I am being good today. Usual breakfast and a granola bar for lunch and that will do it until we get to Lola. Tomorrow I will give you the complete rundown. 

Or should I say that since Kathleen and I are the only ones reading this right now, I will give us the complete rundown. But I consider it a dry run for when I do let friends and family see this. I am considering adding a few people to the people who know about it. First will probably be our best friends, Bob and Judy. Bob has a blog that he let's us read and turn about's fair play. Second might be my brother John. And then a few others at intervals. If you are reading this months from now, there isn't any particular reason I will add people just kind of randomly. We'll see how it goes. 

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