Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Missed two days

You know writing is tougher than taking a photo. Last year to get in my picture of the day all I had to do was do a quick click and then I could post. Writing takes time. Like this post. I am squeezing it in between our last meeting of the day and heading out to our evening activity in about 15 minutes. And it would be really easy to take a photo in 15 minutes. In fact, I have already taken about 20 photos out the window of my room in the last 10 minutes but trying to figure out what to write in that time frame is much more difficult. Thus this meandering blog. 

So, I guess I will post one of the photos I took and that will be it for now. You get this view if you walk out the front door of my room and walk about 15 feet to the right. It looks out the end of the Contemporary Hotel at DisneyWorld looking towards the Magic Kingdom. You can see the monorail coming in and Space Mountain in the background. Suffice it to say that the weather is gorgeous...for Seattle not Orlando. 

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