Monday, February 23, 2009

I suck

Boy do I suck at updating this blog. I now get why my favorite bloggers don't update as often as I would like them to. There are are only two bloggers that I can say that I have read everything they have ever written. I want to recommend them both to anyone reading this. 

The first one is I find it very strange that both Kathleen and I are as taken with Dooce as we are. The subject matter is a young family in Utah. We are at least 20+ years older than Heather and John who run the site and Heather's main topics is their marriage, their 5 year old daughter, their two dogs and Heather's pregnancy yet we find ourselves hanging on Heather's every post. When we first discovered Dooce we started reading her archives. I can honestly say that we have both read every post she has ever written. She makes us laugh and cry. She discusses serious topics and frivolous ones. Her daughter is probably the most hilarious five year old in America. Their dogs are outstanding. One is manic and the other the most perfect dog ever. If you check the site you'll find a daily (excluding weekends) photo of these dogs who have a place on our computer each and every day they are posted. We even have a calendar of one of the dogs, Chuck that we have hung in our house. If you haven't read Dooce, try it. She posts on a regular basis and has an ENORMOUS following. She completely supports her family with the advertising on her blog. 

The other blog that I can say that I have read every post he has ever written (as well as his book) is Waiter (who was anonymous for most of his blogging lifetime until his book came out) writes about his laugh as a waiter. And it is both heartwarming and often hilarious. I love reading him although he doesn't post as often and I can honestly say that he has changed the way I look at restaurants and their waitstaff. He has definitely changed the way I tip. If you eat out on a regular basis as we do, I would highly suggest you read all his stuff and his book of the same name. I will even let you borrow my copy. The one thing about Steve (that's The Waiter's name) is that now that he's a published author and famous (been on the Today Show and Oprah) he doesn't blog very often anymore. 

There are links to both blogs (as well as others I follow, including Blurbomat who is Dooce's husband) on this page. 

The other blog  

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