Thursday, January 1, 2009

You were wondering...

I figure I should start off by telling you what the title of this blog is all about. I wanted something that was catchy. Something inventive. Something fun. Something that might one day become as big as or one of the other great blogs out there. Something that people would remember. Something astounding. Something that when you read it, you would just say to yourself, "that's the best blog title I have ever read!" 

But no matter what I tried, I didn't like it. I thought about it for hours, days, weeks, years (not really, more like about 15 minutes) and I just couldn't come up with something that I truly loved. So I gave up and resorted to a tribute of sorts. The title of this blog "I'm trying to think but nothing happens" is a quote from a truly well respected, academic source. I believe it was first uttered by that astute master of modern language, Curly. Yes, Curly of 3 Stooges fame. But I have to admit (or should I say acknowledge) where I sourced this quote from. I have never actually seen the 3 Stooges film this quote appears in. I did see a short clip of this particular scene in Lethal Weapon 3. One of my favorite Mel Gibson films (before he got nutty). His character, Martin Riggs is a Stooges fan. Me, not so much. But I have always loved the quote. Thus, it becomes the title of this blog. And the more I read it (and write about it) the more I love it. 

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