Friday, January 2, 2009

Yesterday was strange.

Yesterday was a very different day for me. One year ago on January 1, 2008 I set a goal to take at least one photo a day for the entire year. On Wednesday, I took the last shot. So yesterday, for the first time in a year, I did not take a single photograph. And it felt strange. Especially the couple of times in the evening when I suddenly thought to myself, "Oh no, I haven't taken a photo today." Kathleen said she almost reminded me a couple of times as well.

I am pleased to say that I did take a few photos today. And the habit I developed during the year of carrying my camera wherever I go, is still holding true. I took it with me into Seattle today although the photos I took were of the sky from in front of our condo and from our living room. It was a great sky today. Blue and cloudy with snow flurries as I drove to Seattle. 

If you would like to see the photos from 2008 you can find them on my .mac account at  Enjoy!

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