Friday, January 23, 2009

Sunny day!!!

If anyone was on the 520 floating bridge today and saw a crazy guy driving across the bridge when it was 39 degrees (that's Fahrenheit for my Canadian friends) with the top down on his Volkswagen Eos, that would have been me. 

I had a medical kind of day. Did a bunch of work in the morning then went to Group Health in Bellevue to have an semi-annual eye exam, stopped at Bell Square to drop into the Apple store to find out how to move my iPhone to a new computer and then on to my usual UV treatment at Group Health on Capitol Hill. All I can say is, thank God I met and married a woman who had medical coverage cause I sure do use it a lot. And I am in great physical condition (for me anyway) but little things come to those who work out and get old. That would be me in both ways. But when I came out of GHC on Cap Hill the sun was so nice (even though it was cold) and it was Friday so I popped the top, hit the CD player and turned it up (best top down music ever is Cat Empire) and drove home. OUTSTANDING!!!! 

I have so many topics that I want to write about and will be getting to in the next few weeks (which will be busy ones). But tonight is Friday and Friday nights are my favorite nights of the week. We grab take out (tonight is panini night) and it is the only night of the week that we eat in front of the TV. And if they aren't reruns, we save our favorite shows on TiVo for tonight. The usual line up is The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Two and a Half Men and then (since November) Leverage. But tonight one of our absolute favorite shows is back!!! Burn Notice returns for a month or so on USA and we have it. If you haven't seen Burn Notice you have to see it. I won't say more than that but it is GREAT and I can't wait. So it's time to go heat up the panini grille and get the evening under way. Bye for now!

1 comment:

  1. and you will be sharing Burn notice with your deprived Canadian friends right ?? pretty please...
