Monday, January 12, 2009

Mixed Emotions

Ever have one of the mixed emotions kind of days? That's today. First there was the good. I got the lists of people taking my classes in Photoshop and InDesign in Orlando next month. They were huge. The classes are packed. Very gratifying. 

Then the bad. Three of my biggest customers with Jostens have been let go. But then another long-time friend has been promoted into a very high management position. 

I went to the dentist this morning too. In 56 years, I have the greatest dentist I have ever had in my life. He (Dr. Yum) is outstanding. Totally pain free. I used to hate dentists but I have no problem seeing him. Today he replaced almost the last of my metal fillings. Only one more lower side to go and we're going to do that in February. 

And I had an appointment with my dermatologist today. Saw him for my psoriasis in November. It was horrible. Worst it has ever been. He put me into a three times a week program to treat it plus a ton of prescriptions. And lo and behold, two months later, it (the psoriasis) is gone. From everywhere except my scalp, it's gone. And he now has a new way to attack that as well. Another good thing.

So, life is good and then life is so-so. Then it's good again. I should just not worry about it. And I should look on the positive side. I will lose three customers who are leaving Jostens but I will probably pick up the three people who will replace them. So I sometimes worry for nothing.

A few years ago Kathleen bought me a plaque that hangs in our kitchen. It reads, "Worry is the misuse of your imagination." How true that is.

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