Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Adventures in TiVoland

Today was an adventure. Besides getting some work done (which I did--designed 12 new postcards and answered a ton of e-mail) I had to completely redo our new TiVo. 

We have been using TiVo since 2003 when we got our first one. If you don't have it, I can't say enough good things about it. At any rate, just before Christmas they dropped the price of the BIG TiVo so I finally got to upgrade. Brian and Michelle had been bragging on theirs for quite a while but I wasn't sold on the whole HD thing. 

I can say now that the HD experience is a revelation. We now have HD everything run through HDMI (video) and Optical (audio) and the quality is outstanding. But we did have a snag which brings me to today. Right after we got the new HD TiVo it started doing fun things. Like freezing. Not all the time, just two or three times a week but it was a real pain to have to pull the cord out for 30 seconds to restart it. So after the umpteenth time it did that, I called TiVo and they immediately said, "Let's swap it out. We'll send you a new one and you send that one back." So after a few calls to get everything set right, we finally got the new one last night. So today, I pulled the old ones, removed the cable cards, called TiVo to activate it, called Comcast to assist in putting the cable cards in the new TiVo (at least they didn't have to come out like they did the first time), and then restarted the whole thing and prayed. After one more call to TiVo tech support (they are the best and they answer quickly) it worked!!!

And tonight we sit here watching it and it works. Yahoo! 

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