When I got back at 9:30 John (one of the painters but not the owner) was the only one of the four person crew here. He had taped up all our doors so I not only couldn't get into my office without having him take it down but I couldn't get into our bedroom...or bathroom. Joel (painting company owner) had not arrived with the paint yet. In fact he didn't get here until pretty close to 1:00 pm. By then I was pretty darn hungry (having eaten breakfast at 6:00) and excuse my French but I really had to go. It turns out that when he arrived at the paint store the paint, which was supposed to be mixed and ready to go, wasn't. So that meant that they didn't start painting the trim (and remember I said we have a TON of it) until then. I was out of there.
Ran some errands and wound up at the Redmond Library where they have free WiFi. I had signed up for an online service called LogMeIn.com where you can set it up so that you can access your home Macs while online. Only problem is, about an hour after I left the house they pulled the plug on our network...and forgot to plug it back in. YIKES! I was again, not a happy camper.
I met Kathleen at Coho Cafe (a very nice restaurant a block from our place) for a quick and light dinner (I had a wonderful avocado, cucumber and crab stack with cornmeal waffles that had corn and chiles in them.) Damn, they were outstanding. Kathleen had a cool salad with sausage and figs. We will probably be eating there a couple of times next week when they are painting the kitchen.
So now we are back home, the network is back up and we are dying from the smell of the paint. Hopefully we are going to be able to sleep tonight because with less than four hours last night, I need it. Let's hope tomorrow is better.
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