Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I thought of this as I was walking to the club to work out this morning at 5:15 am. I get some of my best thoughts when I am doing that. Vacation. We are almost on one. And you have hopefully noticed that my title is plural. VacationS! That's because when we go on vacation, we often have a lot of little vacations along the way.

For instance, as I have mentioned Kathleen and I are leaving for two weeks and a day next Monday morning to visit friends in Florida and take a cruise. But that isn't just one vacation--it's about eight I think. Here's how we celebrate vacations around here.
  1. On Friday when Kathleen pulls her car into the garage and is home from work for two weeks+ we are on vacation! Celebration number 1!
  2. On Sunday when Bob and Judy get here from Chilliwack (we are traveling with them) then we are on vacation! Celebration number 2 starts.
  3. When the airplane lifts its wheels off the ground and we are in the air to Florida on Monday morning, we are on vacation! Celebration number 3 starts.
  4. When we land in Florida, get our car and get to Cape Canaveral we are on vacation. Celebration number four!
  5. When we get to Mike and Carol's in Boynton Beach on Tuesday afternoon, another vacation start! Celebration number five.
  6. When we head out to Key West on Wednesday morning for two nights and three days, another vacation is underway. Vacation number six.
  7. When we get back from Key West and meet a bunch of the folks we are cruising on Solstice with on Saturday night we celebrate again! Vacation number seven is underway.
  8. When we board Solstice the next morning at 11:00 am or so, well now, that's a vacation!!! And that''s number 8.
So as you can see, this coming two weeks is not just a vacation, it's a VACATION! A whole bunch of them. And if you have one coming up, count them all. You may find you have more than one. You might have eight like we do. Can't wait!

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