Saturday, February 28, 2009

Top 5 Romantic Comedies

I have been meaning to write this for a while. Pretty much since we went to see the Harry Connick Jr., Renee Zelwigger movie, New in Town about a month ago. But life has gotten in the way. But today I have some time so here we go.

It is important to note that romantic comedies are my favorite kind of films. Of my top five favorite movies of all time, three could be considered romantic comedies and the other two are romantic dramas. I am not sure why that is. We recently read an article that said that people who watch romantic comedies have unrealistic expectations in their own lives. To be honest in my past life (read first marriage) I think that's why I loved them so much. I was always looking for that kind of life for myself. And for me, then, it was unrealistic. There was no comedy and no certainly no romance.

Now, I still love them but I also get to live them. I can honestly say that I am in a relationship that rivals any romantic film I have ever seen. I own a bunch of romantic comedy DVDs. I own all of my top five and the others are definitely runners up. And you will probably not agree with me about some of them. You may think that When Harry Met Sally should be higher on the list. Or Sleepless in Seattle, or Notting Hill, Moonstruck or So with that said, let's get to the movies that if you were from a martian that landed and wanted to see our best romantic comedies, I would tell you to see.

Number 5: Roxanne
I know that this is less of a comedy than a romantic comedy but being based on Cyrano de Bergerac, it really is a true romance. I have to say that it is number five on my list because I don't find one of the main characters that appealing. I really don't like Darryl Hannah. Never have. But Steve Martin, the story and the dialog more than make up for it. And I am happy at the end when they finally get together and she learns to look past his great, big, nose. Favorite scenes include the bar scene where he names 20 nose insults (a real classic), when they first meet and he helps her get into the house she is renting and is locked out of in the nude and probably the closing scene where she realizes it has been him all along. Besides that, it was filmed in Nelson, BC which in the film is GORGEOUS but in real life was kind of a pit. (Sorry if you are from Nelson.)

Number 4: Fools Rush In.
I love this movie. I have probably seen it 10-15 times because it used to be on TV all the time. I I love it not only because of the romance between two of my favorite actors, Selma Hayek and Matthew Perry, but because of the whole family aspect. I find it both an excellent romance and a very funny comedy. And it takes place in Las Vegas. It shows that real people actually live in Las Vegas. That there are housing developments and that the entire place isn't the Strip. It also is one of the few films that features the desert and Mexico that I truly like. All those years of living in Palm Springs have really made me dislike the desert but this movie does it right. My favorite scenes include the big family get together when they meet, the shooting party with the hundreds of rattlesnakes and Matthew's trip to Mexico to find Selma and the hot dog for Matthew's birthday scene. And of course Kathleen will accuse me of loving it for Selma who I think is one of the hottest women in the world but I want to point out that she is pregnant throughout most of this film.

Number 3: Dave
OK, this one (like Roxanne) is not a true romantic comedy. It's a comedy that revolves around a romance. Interestingly enough the romance involves a woman who is cheating on her spouse. And I usually have a huge problem with that. But this woman is cheating on her husband who is basically dead. He's in a coma and he's a bastard as well. Oh, and if you haven't seen the film, he's the President of the United States. (Political comment--three months ago I would not have capitalized President but I will now.). Dave is a wonderful story of a man who looks exactly like the President. He is hired to impersonate him while he has an affair with his secretary. The President has a stroke and Dave takes over. Eventually he hooks up with the First Lady and they end the movie in a kiss. There really isn't a moment in this film that I don't love. It has great villains, and great heroes. And lots of humor. But it almost falls into the realm of romantic drama but I decided that I laughed more than I cried so here it remains. For many years, this was my favorite film of all but a few others have since take its place. I have probably seen this film at least 20 times. I could watch it again any time.

Number 2: Amelie
This is probably less a romantic comedy than a romantic fantasy. If you have never seen this film, it is important that you do. It is a one-of-a-kind film that I truly believe everyone should see. First, you should know it is a foreign language film. It is entirely in French so you will have to read it. But that's OK because it is also a very visual film and you could probably watch it with the sound off and still...get it. It is the life story of Amelie who is a french girl who grows up with no mother, works in a cafe and falls in love with a man who works in a sex shop. Their romane is the basis of the movie. More than that I really can't describe other than to say the film is magical. That's the best way to describe it. When the guy rejects her (but he doesn't know he is doing it and he really isn't) she dissolves into a puddle of water. And I mean that literally, not figuratively. There is so much more I can't say about this film other that to say to go see it.

Number 1: Love Actually
This is my current favorite film. I love this movie. You have probably seen it. You may have liked it, you may not. I loved it. If you haven't seen it, it is a Richard Curtis film (he has made many of my favorites) that chronicles a big old bunch of romances all around Europe (and even one in the USA). Some are good ones, a couple I could have done without but even the ones I don't really care for are still good. From Bill Nighy's aged rock star who realizes it's his manager who is his only real friend to the Prime Minister (Hugh Grant) who falls in love with his secretary most of the romances (that all go on at the same time) are outstanding. My least favorite relationship is between two of my favorite actors, Alan Rickman and Emma Thompson. Maybe because it involves a nasty marital affair. Another I could do without is Laura Linney's love because it is really hard to handle and her sacrifice is sad. My favorites are the one between the cuckolded author and his Portuguese housekeeper and Liam Neeson's stepson and the "love of his life." The cutting back and forth between these two stories is my favorite part of the film and the perfect ending. This is one I have seen 20 or 30 times and would watch it again right now. Oh, and I forgot to mention that this is also a Christmas movie so that means I get to watch it each December no matter what. It's the one I don't miss every year.

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