Friday, January 30, 2009

It's Friday!

I can't believe it's finally Friday. Seems like I have been waiting for it all year. This has not been a good week. First Kathleen got shingles on Sunday, then on Wednesday I got one of the worst sinus headaches I have had in years. And work-wise this has been a typically before-I-fly stressful week. I have to head out to Jostens National Sales meeting on Sunday and getting ready for it and getting everything done before I leave can be a real pain. Especially when my head hurts so much that I am seeing double. 

Finally yesterday afternoon we saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Kathleen's shingles seems to have turned the corner and started getting better. She is certainly in a better mood. And I am sitting here right now with only the slightest tinge of a headache left. The rest of my body is a little sore but that's just the end of my exercise week. Tomorrow is my day off the bike but right back on it on Sunday morning before I fly to Orlando. 

I will try and post on this blog for the week that I am gone but I am never quite sure how much internet access I will have at the hotel. I don't mind paying for internet access but I hate paying an arm and a leg. It's just wrong. Especially in a $175 a night hotel room. Thankfully I don't have to pay that, this one is on Jostens. Ever since Jostens developed a partnership with Disney we have had our meetings at a Disney hotel. My hopes are that this year's WDW hotel will be better than last years. Last year we were at the Coronado Beach Resort. Sounds nice doesn't it? It was OK room wise (kind of Motel 6 ambience) but the rooms were literally more than a mile from the meetings rooms. You had to get up 30 minutes early just to be at breakfast on time and no chance going back to your room if you forget anything. 

This year we are at the Contemporary Hotel which is one of WDW's oldest hotels but recently renovated. But it is an indoor motel. Everything under one roof. That's how a convention hotel should be. Where you can run back to your room if you forget something and you can do it in under 15 minutes. 

It's also funny how everyone I told I was going to Florida today said something like this, "Oh, at least you'll be warm," or "Sun! There's sun!." Well let me describe my day trip. I fly on Sunday and get in around 9:30 pm. I go right to the hotel and go to bed so I can be up for breakfast by 7:00 and teaching a class in Photoshop by 8:00. I teach until lunch then we have a group lunch, then I teach Photoshop 2 from 1:00 pm to 5:00. Then an hour for a group dinner and I teach InDesign until 10:00 pm. That's my day. Then I stagger back to my room and try and talk on the phone with Kathleen. Then off to bed to basically repeat the day the next day except that after noon, I no longer teach, I am now just in the audience until Thursday evening when I dress for an awards banquet. We have no free time other than one evening when I will probably have dinner with friends and that's it. No sun, no warm (they keep the meeting rooms freezing) for the week. I will have to wait to enjoy Florida until we go back to sail on Solstice in March.

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